Category Archives: Reptile Livingroom Live!

St. John Island Iguana: Conservation or Eradication

Island Iguana

Courtesy of WiderAngle Productions
Courtesy of WiderAngle Productions

St. John island in the U.S. Virgin Islands gives rise to some new questions about the interaction between iguana species and human primates. Crystal Fortwrangler from Wider Angle Productions along with some of her production staff ( Renata Platenberg & Jessica Bellas) join James Tintle and John F Taylor regarding not only some of their discoveries but also some of their personal insights as well. What shall we do with the ever expanding population of iguanas on the island?



  • Are the iguanas actually native?

  • Human encounters good or bad?

  • Native opinions on Island Iguana? (1/3 of an acre with 100 Free Roaming Iguanas) Yes we’re    serious.

Wider Angle Productions is hoping to take their new film “It Ain’t Easy Being Green” on the Film Festival network this year. This helps to raise awareness and funds for future projects. Please contact us for any and all details on how you might be able to participate personally in the project. For the audio versions please see Reptile Livingroom 1.0 Audio.


Do’s & Don’ts of Reptile Shows & Expos

Terry Huering of Dixie Reptile Shows speaks candidly about how to increase sales as a vendor while at a reptile show, what to expect as a vendor and as an attendee of a reptile show or expo. There’s a lot of topics covered within this interview. Terry took the time to share just about any details you could ever hope to want to know about either vending or attending a reptile show.

Reptile Shows & Expos: Do’s & Don’ts

Dixie Reptile Show by Terry Heuring

This week the Reptile Livingroom 2.0! Live! crew sits down with Terry Heuring of Dixie Reptile Show. Terry is truly the epitome of what reptile shows and expos should be all about. Not only is Terry providing the Dixie Reptile Show


To be fair to Terry he did say that may change slightly but he’s already been doing the reptile show circuit for eighteen years! In this incredibly candid interview Terry explains what you as a vendor can do increase your own sales, while at ANY show. He also speaks about being an attendee at a reptile show and what to expect. Quite honestly, this has to be the number one interview regarding anything with reptile shows and expos. If you aren’t able to watch the video version of the interview drop by our exclusive Audio library.