Tag Archives: Rattlesnakes

Melissa Amarello: Rattlesnake Social Behavior

Crotalus helleri Melissa Amarello of Arizona State University talks with us about rattlesnakes their apparent social behaviors which she is currently studying the field. She also shares with us her view points on science in the public eye not to mention her thoughts on rattlesnake round ups. You can find Melissa at the following websites.

Social Snakes

Snake Dens: A Rattlesnake Family Reunion

Ned Bruha The Skunk Whisperer

Ned Bruha sits down in the Reptile Living Room to talk about rattlesnake round-ups and tells us how we can take action against these barbaric acts that are occurring today. He also tells us the truth about the portrayal of reptiles in the media. Grab a beverage and prepare to get your Neducation folks!

Rattlesnake Behavior with Dr. Rulon Clark

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Dr. Rulon Clark of San Diego State University is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and his research interests include behavioral ecology and more. What attracted me to his work specifically was the research he’d published regarding rattlesnakes and their social lives as well as their ability to choose sites which would most benefit them when it came to ambush sites. I had the opportunity to interview about his work and current projects and to say that they are fascinating would be an understatement so grab your lab coats folks and settle in. You are about to learn some incredible aspects regarding rattlesnake life!