Tag Archives: Herpetology

Melissa Amarello: Rattlesnake Social Behavior

Crotalus helleri Melissa Amarello of Arizona State University talks with us about rattlesnakes their apparent social behaviors which she is currently studying the field. She also shares with us her view points on science in the public eye not to mention her thoughts on rattlesnake round ups. You can find Melissa at the following websites.

Social Snakes

Snake Dens: A Rattlesnake Family Reunion

Women of Herpetoculture & Herpetology: Melissa Coakley

Melissa Coakley of Snake Hunting Chick kicks off a new series for us with this interview. Now, before you get to thinking this is a feature similar to articles or talks you may have seen before let me enlighten you now. This is a series that began when a colleague took a comment made by a prominent figure in the community as being misogynistic. Something was said akin to ‘We need to reach out to the soccer moms of the reptile community…’ Whether it was meant as misogynistic or not I am not sure. Regardless, some women in the community took offense. It got me thinking about the tendencies of some males to treat women differently and well you can now hear for yourself the results of these interviews.

Sara Viernum: The Wandering Herpetologist

Sara Viernum was kind enough to talk with us about what it takes to be a herpetologist and shares some of her adventures with us in this exclusive interview! Make sure to check out her site as well by clicking on her banner.