Tag Archives: Herpetology

Dr. William K. Hayes of Loma Linda University talks Rattlesnakes

In this episode of Interview with an Expert we talk with Dr. William K. Hayes about not only his career and how he got started in reptiles but we go in depth on the topic of rattlesnakes which as you all know is one of my favorite species snakes. We talk about envenoming and the mechanics behind it and much more.

Big Reptile Network

Kevin Oskow of Big Reptile Network comes into the Reptile Living Room to talk about how he developed Big Reptile Network and what they are all about and more.

Women of Herpetoculture & Herpetology: Sara Viernum

Sara Viernum of the Wandering Herpetologist talks about her experiences working in the field of herpetology. She shares with us about field herping and what if any role misogyny played in her career choice. Side Note: Sara is actually not going East as stated, plans changed.