Tag Archives: Reptile

Rattlesnake Behavior with Dr. Rulon Clark

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Dr. Rulon Clark of San Diego State University is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and his research interests include behavioral ecology and more. What attracted me to his work specifically was the research he’d published regarding rattlesnakes and their social lives as well as their ability to choose sites which would most benefit them when it came to ambush sites. I had the opportunity to interview about his work and current projects and to say that they are fascinating would be an understatement so grab your lab coats folks and settle in. You are about to learn some incredible aspects regarding rattlesnake life!

Gary Rolfe of Northampton Reptile Centre

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To say that Gary Rolfe is a reptile keeper would be an understatement. He is a force unto himself that has become one one of the best known reptile people in the United Kingdom. I met Gary through the social networks and we became quick mates through our passion for reptiles. In this interview, Gary reveals not only his sense of humor which makes him immediately well liked by anyone who meets him but also how he got ‘accidently’ started within the world of reptiles. He also tells us in depth behind the scenes of what happens around the Northampton Reptile Centre. They are one of if not the only reptile shop I know of that only sells captive bred reptiles. So join us won’t you as we get a behind the scenes tour of the life of Gary Rolfe and the Northampton Reptile Centre.

Carl Barden of MedToxin Laboratories

In this interview we got to speak with Carl Barden of MedToxin Laboratories about his work that he is doing to save lives. You see Carl and his team milk live venomous snakes for their venom and from their work at the MedToxin Laboratories antivenin is created. So we wanted to know, not only how Carl got started but what it’s like to work with venomous species on a daily basis. Well we got the answers and whole lot more. Carl’s work doesn’t end there though oh no, he also runs the Reptile Discovery Center!